
We host several events each semester including those in outreach, invited speakers in electrochemistry, and social events.

Educational Outreach

We aim to inspire the next generation of scientists and promote a greater understanding of the importance of electrochemistry among our peers.

We have a longstanding relationship with the non-profit volunteer program Adventures in Science. Partnering with Adventures in Science we give an overview and demonstrate electrochemistry experiments to elementary/middle school age students.

ECS chapter members Griffin Godbey and Addie Nolan demonstrate phase change experiments using liquid nitrogen at Adventures in Science (02/01/20).

ECS also hosts a booth each year at Maryland Day, displaying fundamental electrochemistry experiments such as a lemon battery demo. Maryland Day is a free open house to the University of Maryland and showcases many exciting exhibits and demonstrations.

Electrolysis of water experiment showcased at Maryland Day 2018.

Seminars in Electrochemistry

ECS has hosted seminars with researchers from academia and national labs within the field of electrochemistry on campus. In addition, we ensure there is individual time for the ECS chapter to engage directly with the speaker and discuss topics beyond research such as career opportunities.

ECS Chapter hosts roundtable student discussion with Dr. Manthiram during his invited seminar at UMD (10/18/19).

Social Events

The ECS chapter hosts an end of the year mixer each year where the chapter goes out to dinner and celebrates the years accomplishments. Next mixer is on Dec. 11th, 2023 from 6-8 pm at Pepco Boardroom in Kim Engineering Building.